Regulatory, Ports, Airports and Infrastructure
Regulatory, Ports, Airports and Infrastructure
Regulatory, ports, airports and infrastructure
Specialized representation before the main intervening and regulatory agencies of the infrastructure, logistics and transportation sector (MINFRA, SNPTA, ANTAQ, ANTT, ANAC, TCU, SPU, IBAMA, CETESB, CADE, among others).
- (13) 3278-1120 - Head Office - Santos
- (13) 3219-1607 - Office 2 - Santos
- (61) 4040-4781 - Branch Office - Brasília
Head Office
- Praiamar Corporate - Alameda Armênio Mendes, 66 - Cj. 2101 - Aparecida - Santos/SP
Office 2
- Avenida Washington Luis, 75 - Vila Mathias - Santos/SP
- SHN QUADRA 1, Salas 1425/1426 - Le Quartier - Brasília/DF