Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas Law
Legal Advice in activities involving the area of oil and gas, procedures before the National Agency of Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). Elaboration, negotiations and contract risks analysis.
- (13) 3278-1120 - Head Office - Santos
- (13) 3219-1607 - Office 2 - Santos
- (61) 4040-4781 - Branch Office - Brasília
- sammarco@sammarco.com.br
Head Office
- Praiamar Corporate - Alameda Armênio Mendes, 66 - Cj. 2101 - Aparecida - Santos/SP
Office 2
- Avenida Washington Luis, 75 - Vila Mathias - Santos/SP
- SHN QUADRA 1, Salas 1425/1426 - Le Quartier - Brasília/DF