Arbitration and Mediation
Arbitration and Mediation
Arbitration and Mediation
Sammarco Advogados offers alternative dispute resolution methods through mediation and arbitration. The partners Osvaldo Sammarco and Marcelo Sammarco also act, independently and autonomously, as arbitrators of the Brazilian Center for Maritime Arbitration – CBAM, besides participating in and supporting arbitration proceedings taking place in other chambers in Brazil and abroad.
- (13) 3278-1120 - Head Office - Santos
- (13) 3219-1607 - Office 2 - Santos
- (61) 4040-4781 - Branch Office - Brasília
Head Office
- Praiamar Corporate - Alameda Armênio Mendes, 66 - Cj. 2101 - Aparecida - Santos/SP
Office 2
- Avenida Washington Luis, 75 - Vila Mathias - Santos/SP
- SHN QUADRA 1, Salas 1425/1426 - Le Quartier - Brasília/DF